Party season hair, it’s time for a boost

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

Mariah Carey’s on repeat.

Our hair’s been perfectly styled, and decked with accessories.

There’s an abundance of sequins, and glitter, and sparkle, and gold, and silver. Let’s face it, anything that reflects light and shimmers has been added to the wardrobe.

Even the nails are twinkling. Which, by the way, are manicured to perfection, something they haven’t been since the sun shone for more than what feels like 6 hours (it’s actually 8-10 hours, but that’s not the point).

The point is, party season has well and truly arrived, and with it a barrage of party invites. But with that barrage of invites (we’re not complaining, read: abundance of sequins), there needn’t be a barrage of products weighing down our tresses.

Sure, this time of year normally warrants the excuse to indulge. After all, Christmas means more is more, right?

Wardrobe? More sequins.

Nails? More twinkle.

Food? More. Just more.  

But when it comes to our hair, maybe less is more?

Let’s treat our hair to more care, with a little less product. Especially as it’s being decked with accessories.

 “I’m not a huge fan of overloading product into my clients hair, my aim is to create seamless colour and style so my products need to reflect that. Root Boost is perfect for me because it aids me with creating volume and movement without a heavy residue. It’s weightless, smells amazing and my clients love it!” 

Georgia Bell, Twisted Scissors Salon 

Perfect hair with just one product? Weightless hold. Strength and softness. Volume, without looking like you’re the missing member of Wham!?

Put that canister of hairspray down. Forget the back combining. Party season hair, meet Root Boost. Root Boost, meet party season hair.

 “I find it strong but light. I’ve been using it a lot when diffusing hair and find it helps the separation of the wave/curl. Also I’m enjoying it on short / gents hair. It’s helping structure the hair as I dry without it feeling over compromised by product.”

Brent Barlow

Let’s be honest, Christmas is much more than one day, and can therefore mean a lot of stress for our hair. We want it all (read: indulgence); big bouncy curls; Hollywood waves; a nod the 60s with a chignon up-do.

Another party means another hairstyle (as well as another sequined dress).

But forget the stress. And the heavy hair products.

“The New Root Boost gives a lovely strong cushioned hold. It's great to work with as it doesn't get sticky, allowing to build it up for increased volume and texture. It's also great for creating a wet look effect when sprayed directly onto dry hair.”

Ryan Forsythe, Senior Director and Head of Education, Trevor Sorbie

So, if you want to go classic with an up-do. Root Boost.

Want to go bouncy with cascading curls? Root Boost.

Want to give a wave to Hollywood? (It is party season after all). Root Boost.

We said it before (maybe a few times now), but we’ll say it again: Christmas hair doesn’t need to equal more product.

It’s about making your hairstyle as effortless as possible. 

“I’ve been using it loads and love how it is completely weightless. The product seems to strengthen as you dry it making blow drying for volume super easy. Often volume products can be tacky and really hard to get a brush through which can make blow drying feel like arm day!” 

Vivienne Johns, Hunter and Walsh

Remember, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, but one less thing to worry about is surely going to make it that little bit more wonderful.